Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We're so hot right now...

...just like Hansel. (Zoolander fans? anyone?)
Well, regardless if you get the movie reference, Corps Pilates and Triune have been placed on Fox 29's "Hot List" of local Philadelphia businesses. Patrons will be voting for their favorite area businesses by category to find the best in Philadelphia! Vote for Corps Pilates with Steffi Freedman in the Pilates category and Triune in the Massage category at http://myfoxphilly.cityvoter.com/!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Learning to "Fight Fair"


This is my first post to the Triune Blog! I am really excited about sharing with you some of the topics that I consider most important to our becoming a balanced, holistic individual. Developing the knowledge and skill set to manage our relationships effectively serve many purposes, including self-respect and the respect of others in our life. When we become upset or angry, we often do not have the essential skills to turn this negative emotional experience into a catalyst for change and transformation; inevitably, the "problems" become repetitious and we drift apart out of frustration...in essence, we give up! We don't come to resolution, get our needs met, and experience satisfying, loving partnerships.
Learning to "fight fair" is an important skill to develop so that we may turn "lead" into "gold"!!
Dr. Sherri Edelman, Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Counselor


Q: How do you know if you need to learn more about fair fighting? Here is an example of dialogue between a couple.

David: Hi, how was your day?

Sandy: Fine, how was yours?

David: Terrible, I don’t think I’m going to make the quota for the company trip to Hawaii.

Sandy: Listen, don’t make yourself too comfortable, because I made a reservation for dinner and we have to be there in fifteen minutes.

David: Are you serious? I’m not feeling at all like going out!

Sandy: What do you mean? It’s all arranged. I had to move mountains to get this reservation!

David: It wasn’t arranged with me! I don’t know where you’re going with this. I’m exhausted and depressed and I’m not going anywhere. Anyway, we’re broke.

Sandy: You always say you’re tired, and you never want to go out anywhere anymore. I’m trapped in this house all day, and then stuck in it all night because we don’t have any money. I’m sick of it and we’re going out!

They are excellent candidates for learning fair fighting: when we need to deal with intimates about important issues where there is a conflict or disagreement, we need to develop skills and strategies.

Q: What is it that you are trying to accomplish with fair fighting?

Fair Fighting has two functions:
1)negotiate for change in a particular situation, OR
2)disclose something that upsets you without requiring any change that needs to be made

Fair Fighting is an art and a skill like dancing, not a bull fight. The style of the fight is more important than the content.

Fighting and expressing anger are seen as healthy ways of removing back up and interference so couples can regroup and become more intimate again.

Q: How will learning to Fight Fair be beneficial?

Benefits for learning to fight fair:
1)greater self knowledge

Also, you develop the skills to be more self-reflective and self-responsible about your own negative emotions!

Q: What are the steps one would need to take to “Fight Fair”?

Fight For Change

Learn the “Rules of Fair Fighting”

Learn about “Special Purpose Fights”

Often an objective person is helpful in the early stages of learning and practicing these skills. Consider some support, if even for a brief time, until you are on your way to a new way of relating...fairly!!

Dr. Sherri Edelman

Tom in Peru!

For those of you who remember Tom, (one of Triune's amazing massage therapists), you'll be excited to hear he is well into Peru trip, giving us updates on his daily adventures through his blog. Check it out his blog and he will enlighten you with stories of Teddy Ruxbin's evil twin, acquaint you with chicha, and show you his house on google earth. In his first blog, Tom describes his extensive journey just to get to Peru: "four trains to get to New York, a flight from JFK to San Salvador, San Salvador to Lima, a 12 hour layover in Lima, followed by a flight from Lima to Cusco". My back aches just thinking about it.
Find out what excursion he is on today...Peru O Busto

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dr. Edelman's Friend: Simon Says

Brilliant Carat #66

Discovery Through Disruption

If you intend to experience the ultimate personal and professional life, then believe me, disruption is in your future. “Disruption” is one of the most important words for you to embrace on your journey. It first appeared in 1646 and comes from the Latin word disruptionem which means “to break apart or split.” There will come a time when you will have to break with the old to embrace the new, to let go of what is comfortable and convenient in order to grow and expand.

Disruption leads to new discoveries…if you are open, present and willing to pause and analyze what’s really going on and reflect on what you can learn from it. For individuals, disruptions present an opportunity to refocus on what matters most, to de-clutter your heart, mind and soul, and to uncover hidden seeds of brilliance within you.

For businesses, disruptions offer the chance to modify your products/services to better align with current trends or to develop inventive, alternative products/services. Shifting your business in response to or anticipation of consumer demand ensures your organization will stay relevant and stay profitable in an ever-changing economy.

History offers countless examples of disruptions that have served to break apart seemingly stable industries and put them back together in a completely different structure. In 1995, Amazon.com opened an online bookstore, positioning itself to sell directly to consumers and offering free shipping as a hook to drive loyalty. This pioneering company caused a commotion in the traditional book publishing industry and completely transformed the way books are distributed.

Fifteen years ago, most people called their local travel agent to make travel arrangements. Today, anyone with an Internet connection and a few minutes can book their own travel anywhere in the world through supplier websites and websites such as Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz and Sidestep. Travel agents who acknowledged and proactively reacted to this disruption changed their business model and survived. Those who thought the disruption was a passing fad woke up one day to find that their marketplace had disappeared.

Then there are companies that intentionally induce their own internal disruptions in order to remain relevant and competitive. Here are a few examples:


Known today for its high-end jewelry and little blue box, Tiffany & Co. was in the stationery and fancy goods emporium business when it was founded in 1837.

World-renowned video-game maker Nintendo was established in Japan in 1889 as a maker of handmade playing cards.

Gucci, famous for top quality shoes and handbags, started as a small leather goods company making everything from saddles to luggage.

Teen clothier Abercrombie & Fitch began as an outdoor sports outfitter.

Fiber optics giant Corning found initial success manufacturing glass and ceramic wares.

All of these companies were flexible, nimble and insightful enough to proactively disrupt the norm and move in a new, fresh direction.

What about you? When the next disruption takes place, which side of the fence will you be on? Will you be the one initiating the disturbance or the one sitting on the other side watching it happen?

When you consider the personal impact of disruption, what comes to mind? What are you going to have to break or split from in order to fly and soar? What bold moves do you need to make in order to live your life by design rather than by default? How can you initiate a disruption?

How can you initiate a disruption?


Be bold and challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before – go rock climbing or windsurfing, learn a foreign language, volunteer for an organization in a capacity outside your comfort zone.

Explore other professional opportunities. Check out Vocation Vacations (www.VocationVacations.com), a company that enables you to test-drive your dream job.

If you’re a leader, rotate leadership responsibilities among the high-potential, A-level players on your team. Allow them to be boss for a week and let them experience leadership firsthand.

Discovery happens to those hungry for change. Be open to profound disorientation (when nothing makes sense and yet there is an assurance in your soul that everything is working in your favor) as you move towards profound clarification.

Simon Believes…When you disrupt everything you believe in, you will discover everything you can be.

Article Reprints

Brilliant Carats is an electronic newsletter distributed to our clients and colleagues to help them sell more goods and services by developing people.

Portions of this newsletter may be reprinted in your organization or association newsletter, provided the following credit line is included:

Copyright Simon T. Bailey. Simon T. Bailey is the Catalyst of Brilliance of the Imagination Institute, which empowers businesses to sell more goods and services by releasing the brilliance of their people. He presents keynotes on high performance, customer service, engagement and inspiration. He can be reached at 972-899-3411, by e-mail at simon@simontbailey.com or by visiting his website at www.simontbailey.com.


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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Note on our blog

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog. Please be patient over the next few weeks as we prepare to update the site daily with interviews, interesting facts about health and other information about local events that any of our patients or clients wish us to announce. Triune does have a lot of visibility on line. Please take advantage of this fact to let people know what is going on for you that you want others to know.
To post anything here, please contact Rita at tri-une@comcast.net to reveiw submissions and post your event or article.
Have a great 4th of July celebration.

Dr. Sklar