Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sleep Well by Dr. Jeff Sklar

Sleep is such a huge part of staying well. Our body’s do so much recovering from the stresses of the day while we rest. This is why getting “a good night sleep” is so crucial to well being. So, what constitutes a good night sleep? The literature and research available is usually in agreement about eight hours being a minimum to optimal amount of sleep. But, this day and age, whether you are a student or in the work force, whether you commute to work or walk there just isn’t enough time in the day to carry out every responsibility and still get a full nights rest. With this in mind, we should at least consider our posture while we sleep to hopefully maximize our comfort, And support a major component that helps us tackle our day, the human spine.
The spine needs ergonomic support while we rest. The best position to sleep in is on your back with some sort of bolster or pillow under your knees to relieve pressure in the low back. Additionally, the neck benefits most by having a contoured support, whether from a rolled up towel or a memory foam cervical pillow. If you are unable to sleep on your back due to snoring or discomfort, the next best thing would be to sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees, and still using the cervical pillow for your neck.
By using these simple methods, it is amazing how some people report significant reduction in headaches and back pain, just to name a couple conditions.
Any new good habit or regiment takes time and diligence to settle in as a daily practice. Try not to get discouraged if the pillow winds up on the floor in the beginning. That’s normal. Remember, keep your nose to the grind stone, not the pillow. Pleasant dreams!

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