Tuesday, December 8, 2009

'Tis the Season!

by TRIUNE'S Nutritional HealthMentor-Shannon Winter!

The winter season is upon us, and so are the holidays. As the days grow shorter, there is not as much optimal sun time
(and we just set our "clocks" back an hour!) What affect do shorter days have on our bodies...maybe just a bit of mayhem!
How do we stay on track this holiday season and find our balance?
Whenever possible, get outside. Lack of sun can be depressing; we need the sun! Open a door or window and feel the direct light of the sun (sans sunscreen), and not through a window pane or door glass. Do this for at least 10 to 20 minutes every day. Using sunscreen will prevent you from absorbing the Vitamin D, and sunshine through glass will actually deplete you of Vitamin D. Nature walking, whether city or suburbs, will give you a healthy dose of the essential D vitamin your body craves, and is also a great stress reliever.
During the next few months, it will be beneficial to supplement with vitamin D3 - 5000 i.u. it has been proven to reduce the risk of getting colds and flu, and helps with depression (known as S.A.D. - Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Deep breathing is another great stress buster. Simply taking a long comfortable breath in through your nose and out 5 times can relax your heart rate and give you a wonderful sense of well being.
Be sure to get adequate sleep. Keeping our bodies on a time schedule is imperative, especially when overstressed from holiday demands. When we move the clock back, it disrupts our circadian rhythm. The best quality sleep is between 10pm and 3am for optimal health. To get back on track, go to bed between 10:00pm -11:00pm, and shoot for 8 hours of slumber.
Lastly, prepare for the holiday season and FOOD related stress! It is getting dark outside earlier, and along with wearing more clothing and celebrating, it can lead us to overeat. Indulging once in a while is healthy: overdoing indulgence is another story. Here are a few secrets to overcome the urge to splurge!
Drink a full glass of room temperature water BEFORE the great fall, (pun intended). This will help slow you down and will fill you up. We don't drink enough water in the fall and winter because we mistakenly believe that if we are not sweating there isn't a need. It is quite the contrary; your body still needs at least eight- 8oz glasses of water every day!
Some additional helpful strategies:

Use a small saucer plate for food. Tell yourself that you can always go back for more if you are still hungry.
Taste buds are satisfied after three bites of a tasty treat, so go with the rule, three bites and walk away.
Whether you are in your home or visiting family, bring along Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil (we carry it at TRIUNE J It is a festive scent that will interfere with the "goody transmitters" in your brain! You will be less likely to go for the sweet stuff if you smell this scent. You can also try just popping a mint in your mouth!
Last but not least, sit down, slow down and enjoy your meal. There's a saying, chew your liquids and drink your solids. Chew, chew, and chew some more. Put your fork and knife down with each bite, only picking them back up when you have finished swallowing. Don't talk while you are chewing, and don't drink while you are eating. The process of chewing along with the saliva in your mouth help to break down and digest the food to provide you with all of the nutrients your body needs. Remember, it takes the brain 20 minutes to know that we are full, so if we are eating more slowly, we will receive that signal before we have ingested way more food than our body really needs to be satisfied!
A final note: The best stress reliever is a BIG LOVING HUG!! Give one and GET ONE J
Happy Holidays! Stay tuned for my recovery letter for those of us who fall off of the wagon and need help to recuperate from the holidays.

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