Sunday, June 24, 2007

Get Up Stand Up – Stand Up for Your Spine

As a child, how many times did you hear “Don’t slouch,” “Sit up straight,” “Stand up straight”?

It wasn’t a command just to exert authority. Recent research validates the importance of focusing on good posture.

It is becoming well known that proper posture has a positive influence on not only health, but additionally on determining one’s success in business. If you are in sales, you might agree that closing is the most important part of any business meeting. In order to close a sale, one must demonstrate pride and belief in their product. People who slump their torsos and shoulders send unconscious messages that do not reflect confidence and pride in their product or themselves. Posture plays an intimate role in appearance and is the first thing people notice during initial impressions.

Furthermore, those who lack proper postural habits actually indicate to others a sense of helplessness when it comes to managing stress. Poor posture can be responsible for negatively impacting a child’s development, and can directly affect an adult’s mental and emotional health.

Moreover, rib cage and lung function can experience limitations in their process of oxygenation of tissue and discharge of carbon-dioxide wastes. Other vital organs are impacted as well.

The good news is that chiropractic is the most convenient and non-invasive healthcare approach that can improve your posture and career, and more importantly maximize your health and well being.

If you are interested in a postural analysis, or already know that your spinal health is compromised, please call Dr. Jeffrey Sklar, co-founder of Triune Wellness at 215-627-6279 to find out how the most contemporary and conservative therapy will improve your health and well being.

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