Friday, October 5, 2007

Fighting Colds with Chiropractic by Drs Jason and Danella Whitaker

Chiropractic for Colds and Flu

Chiropractic for colds and flu? But isn't chiropractic just for back pain? Not at all. Many people who initially visit chiropractors for aches and pains discover to their surprise an improvement in their general health, including no or fewer (and less severe) colds, flu and other respiratory problems.

The Chiropractic Approach
Chiropractic doesn't "treat" cold or flu; chiropractic promotes improved body function which creates high natural resistance. Natural resistance is the only reason why your cold "goes away" rather than lasting for weeks, months or your entire lifetime!

How do chiropractors help raise your natural resistance to disease? By removing a serious interference to your proper body function: vertebral subluxations.

What Are Vertebral Subluxations?
Vertebral subluxations (VS) are misaligned vertebrae in your spine that interfere with your nerves and the flow of information and energy between your brain and the rest of your body. VS lowers your natural resistance to disease by unbalancing your nervous system. You may have a subluxation and never know it.

Chiropractors Adjust Subluxations

Chiropractors perform spinal examinations to detect and locate vertebral subluxations in your body, then correct them by giving chiropractic spinal adjustments. This reduces or relieves your spinal nerve stress and helps restore optimal body functioning for higher resistance to disease, which, we cannot overstate, is the best defense against the common cold.


Unknown said...

great information

Anonymous said...

i agree with this completely, not because it makes sense but because i've lived this experience to the fullest. before i started getting adjusted i was getting sick about once a month for about a length of a week and a half. it was just a horrible cycle of starting to get sick, getting sick, then slowly getting rid of it, then starting all over again. this continued for about five months. i am working for a chiropractor and i guess he had just about enough of my being sick and adjusted me. since that date about 5 months ago i have not yet been sick once. it's weird because i will start to feel sick then it just goes away before heading to the next stage. it's amazing and i can only thank chiropractic help. maybe we should start getting adjustments instead of the over exaggerated flu shots. what do you think about that idea?