Sunday, October 19, 2008


Humans have been drastically changing the chemistry of the environment in which we live over the years. In the year 2000 alone, our soil and water tables were threatened by more than 4 billion pounds of chemicals with more than 260 million pounds of chemicals discharged into surface waters. Unfortunately, each year the amount of chemical pollutants released into the environment grows.

To make matters worse, our food supply of nutrient-rich foods has been replaced by artificial colorings, flavorings, preservatives, etc. Poor quality diets combined with a toxic environment predispose many people to experience “internal” pollution; this occurs when toxins enter the body from the environment or are produced by unhealthy bacteria in the intestine. “Internal pollution” has a negative impact on several aspects of our overall health.

Types of Toxins:

A toxin is defined as any compound that has a detrimental effect on cell function or structure. In other words, a toxin is basically any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body and undermines your health or stresses your biochemical organ functions. Some common toxins include: industrial chemicals and their polluted by-products, pesticides, additives in our foods, heavy metals, anesthetics, drug deposits, environmental hormones, and secondary smoke. More than 25,000 new toxins are identified each year.

The types of toxins can be broadly categorized into four categories:

1. Heavy metals toxins. Toxins that are included in this category are lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and aluminum. These metals tend to accumulate in the brain, kidneys and immune system. It is estimated that up to 25 percent of people in the U.S. suffer from heavy metal poisoning. In addition, heavy metal toxicity has been linked to several diseases including Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease and severe neurological disorders.
2. Liver toxins. The liver is the main detoxification center for the body. Toxins that are cleared by the liver include alcohol, solvents, formaldehyde, pesticides, herbicides and food additives. Therefore, the liver needs to be supported by consuming antioxidants and other supplements to maintain a healthy liver.
3. Microbial toxins. This category of toxins includes those produced by unwanted bacteria and yeast in the gut which can be absorbed and cause a significant disruption of bodily functions. The key to preventing a build-up of microbial toxins is to eat a diet rich in fiber, especially water-soluble fiber.
4. Protein by-product toxins. The kidneys are primarily responsible for eliminating toxic waste products (e.g., ammonia and urea) resulting from protein breakdown. Detoxification of the body involves cleansing the kidney with adequate amounts of water (at least 8 to 10 glasses a day) and reducing protein intake (such as red meat) to avoid overloading the body with urea.

How Toxins Affect You:

Toxicity occurs on two basic levels--external and internal. External toxicity results from environmental exposure through breathing, ingestion, or physical contact with toxins. Internal toxicity occurs from the body producing toxins through its normal, everyday functions. Our bodies are designed to handle a certain level of toxicity; the proper level of elimination of these toxins is essential to health. However, when these substances/molecules/toxins are not eliminated, they can cause irritation or inflammation of the cells and tissues; this leads to normal functioning being blocked on a cellular, organ, and whole-body level.

The effect of toxins is cumulative and builds over time, thus interfering with normal metabolic processes and leading to numerous allergies and addictions. Long-term exposure to external toxins can result in metabolic and genetic alterations that affect cell growth and immune response. In fact, the World Health Organization has linked environmental toxins to 60 to 80 percent of all cancer cases.

What is Detoxification?

Detoxification of the body refers to cleansing of the bowels, kidneys, lungs, liver and the blood. Essentially, anything that supports elimination in the body can be said to help detoxify. Even things as simple as drinking an extra quart of water per day or eating more fruits and vegetables can help eliminate more toxins.

There are many levels of the progressive detoxification diets, from these simple changes to complete fasting. Naturopathic physicians caution against the extreme programs of over-elimination or “colon blow” programs. Some programs are extreme and include fasting, enemas, diuretics, and even laxatives. However, these result in losing essential nutrients from the body.

Do You Need Detoxification?

We are all exposed to toxins; it is unavoidable. Because of this, most people can benefit from some degree of detoxification. Cleansing or detoxification is just one part of the trilogy of nutritional action; the other parts of a balanced nutritional program include building and balance or maintenance. With a regular, balanced diet, devoid of excesses, we will need less intensive detoxification.

Here are some signs that you may need to detoxify yourself:

* Unexplained headaches or back pain
* Joint pain or arthritis
* Mucus problems
* Digestive problems
* Brittle nails and hair
* Lack of energy or depressed
* Memory problems
* Unexplained weight gain
* Frequent allergies or allergy symptoms
* Psoriasis
* Abnormal body odor, coated tongue or bad breath
* History of heavy alcohol use
* History of natural and synthetic steroid hormone use.
* Exposure to cleaning solvents, pesticides, diuretics and certain drugs

Benefits of Detoxification:

Cleansing or detoxifying your body has several benefits, including:

* Cleansing the digestive tract of accumulated waste and fermenting bacteria.
* Purification of the liver, kidney, and blood can take place that is not possible during regular eating patterns.
* Enhanced mental clarity as chemical and food additive overload is reduced.
* Reduced dependency on habit-forming substances (e.g., sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs).
* Enhanced hormonal system.
* Stimulated immune system.
* Normalized stomach size as bad eating habits are stopped.

Sources: "Detoxification", Advanced Nutrition Publications, Inc; 10 Weeks to Wellness™, Paul Ratte, ND; “General Detoxification and Cleansing”, Elson Haas, MD (Health World); “Detoxification”, Michael Lam, MD (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Detoxification is a process of elimination of substances which are poisonous and for which the body has no further constructive use. Our body accumulates various toxins daily from foods, or environment, products we use, this increasing toxic burden can trigger a variety of physical and cognitive disorders, including depression, anxiety, memory loss, and fatigue. Heart disease, respiratory illness, weakened immune function, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and increased cancer risk have also been linked to chronic toxic element exposure. Naturopathic Treatment can help resolve different problems. Detoxification makes the greatest difference in the comfort and longevity of your body.
If you want to learn more about detoxification principles and methods visit the link below and consult Dr. Gez Agolli and his team of expert naturopathic practitioners in Atlanta. Use the link to know more