Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Choose the Right Hiking Socks

When you are hiking, wearing the right kind of socks is just as important as wearing good-fitting shoes or boots.

Select socks made of a synthetic fiber such as polyester or acrylic, or a blend of wool and synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers will wick the moisture away from your feet and help keep your feet dry to avoid getting blisters. Silk also wicks moisture, but it is more durable as a blend with another fiber. Wool is breathable and durable and provides insulation even when wet. Merino wool now provides all the benefits of regular wool but is not itchy.

Avoid wearing cotton socks hiking, especially for longer hikes. Cotton retains moisture that can lead to blisters and fungal infections. Also, cotton is not a good insulator.

Select a sock that fits snug, but not tight. For hiking on more demanding trails or in cold weather, select a sock with more weight.

Some hikers prefer to wear a thin, synthetic liner sock under a heavier sock. Liners wick the moisture from your skin and keep your feet dry. The heavier sock provides cushioning and warmth.

For longer hikes, take along an extra pair or even two of socks to change into when your socks get too wet.

Another tip to help keep your feet comfortable when hiking—use regular cooking cornstarch as a foot powder.

Source: Wellness News You Can Use, National Wellness Institute, July 2005.

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise, health or nutritionally based program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise and /or nutritional prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with exercises, nutritional or dietary changes in your daily regimen stop and consult your healthcare provider.

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